Savoring Success

Patricia's Guide to Bariatric Living


A Shift In Perspective


They Know Us So Well...

Smart marketing and advertising have this incredible ability to catch our attention, convincing us to splurge on the latest must-have items. But here's the kicker: How often do we apply the same level of scrutiny to the products we consume, especially the food that fuels our bodies? Let's dive into a thought-provoking perspective shift – one that challenges us to prioritize our health over gimmicks and gadgets.

As consumers, we're no strangers to spending hours, even months, meticulously researching the right car, television, or phone to buy. We consider every feature, read countless reviews, and compare prices. But what about the time and effort we invest in researching the food we eat – the very fuel that sustains us? Isn't our body, our life, worth more than the latest data phone?


Consider this...

How many of us undergo life-altering surgeries or make significant lifestyle changes only to compromise our well-being by ingesting subpar substances? The truth is, we should be as diligent, if not more so, about the quality of our food as we are about the products we use every day.

Our health deserves the same level of attention we give to choosing the right car or the perfect television. After all, isn't it more satisfying to invest in a healthy body that will last a lifetime than the latest tech gadget that will be outdated in a few years?

Sure, we're willing to spend thousands on products that don't necessarily impact our health, but when it comes to healthy food options, the reaction can be different. We often balk at the cost, complaining that nutritious foods are "too expensive." But what if we shifted our perspective?

Take, for instance, a $40 tub of high-quality protein powder. It may seem pricey, but when you break it down, it lasts for months and is critical for meeting your nutritional needs. Isn't investing in your health a more worthwhile expense than chasing the cheapest brand (and sometimes the lowest quality) while grabbing that daily $5 cup of coffee?


Scrutinize Your Food Labels

Learning how to read a nutrition label is valuable if you are focused on your overall health. Food manufacturers are super savvy in putting a twist on their product labeling to make them seem healthier than they really are! However, regulations exist on what they can include and how it MUST be represented in the nutrition panel. Learn how to read the label and use it to empower your food decision-making! Not sure how to correctly analyze a label? Check out this BLOG for more info!



In the grand scheme of things, it's all about perspective. Smart marketing may draw us in, but it's up to us to prioritize what truly matters. Our health should be non-negotiable, and just as we carefully choose the products that surround us, we should extend that consideration to the food that sustains us. So, let's shift our focus, invest in our health, and ensure that what we put into our bodies reflects the importance we place on our well-being.

After all, a healthy body is not just a luxury; it's a lifelong necessity.

Need help shifting? Message me!


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