Savoring Success

Patricia's Guide to Bariatric Living


Out with the old... In with the new!

I don't write yearly resolutions. Why?

It’s easy. I stopped making them years ago. In 2011, I was beginning my journey of healing from the after-effects of an abusive relationship and the end of my 17-year marriage. That year, I wrote statements that, little did I know, would become my resolutions for life. Below is a copy of my thoughts about them a year later. They are still relevant. They are still powerful. And every day, I strive to make them a reality because I’m worth it. Having bariatric surgery in 2016 was just one more step in the healing… the caring for… and in the loving of myself.


From January 2012

Last year I wrote my resolutions at a time when I had just finally taken control of my life after far too long of letting others control me. Today, I stumbled across them. As I re-read them, they really struck my heart. I realized that they are more relevant today than ever, and so I’ve decided that they will now become my Lifelong Resolutions.

  • I vow to find time to live in the moment, each and every day, for at least a moment.
  • I vow to find time each day to thoroughly and completely love those people in my life that I truly treasure.
  • I vow to strive to only look to the future and to dwell on only those memories from the past that bring me true joy and happiness.
  • I vow to forgive and forget, as well as appreciate and remember, the people and events in my life that have helped to make me the person that I am.
  • But most importantly, I vow to, first and foremost, take care of and love myself so that I can care for and love those far more important than myself… Like YOU.

Thank you to all who had faith in me, loved me, and stood by me now and over the years. Many of you saw something I couldn’t see in myself.  I wouldn’t be where I am without you.


I hope that by sharing this, you can draw something positive from it. Something that resonates with you and your desire for self-care, health, and possibly even healing.

Love yourself. It’s okay. You are worth it!


Happy New Year, and God Bless ❀️

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