Savoring Success

Patricia's Guide to Bariatric Living


Tips For Controlling Emotional Eating


Sadness, anxiety, and stress are common causes of overeating, which can contribute to weight gain and obesity. Both psychological and physiological factors are at play when it comes to emotional eating. Hormonal and chemical changes occur in the body when emotions run high, and those changes may result in uncontrollable cravings for highly palatable foods that are typically high in sugar, simple carbs, and fat. 

Emotional eating is a common problem for many bariatric patients. Difficulty dealing with negative emotions in a healthy way, combined with increases in the hormone that causes cravings (cortisol), leads to a pattern of emotional eating that may continue for years. Triggers for emotional eating won’t go away after weight loss surgery, so it’s absolutely critical that bariatric patients equip themselves with tools to manage stress and emotions in a healthy way. 


Learn to recognize how emotions affect your habits.

Next time you’re feeling stressed, worried, sad, or anxious, pay attention to those feelings and be conscious of the food choices you make when you’re feeling emotional. Train yourself to stop before eating and ask yourself if you are truly hungry, or if you are eating in response to your emotions. I coach my patients to say, "If I put this in my mouth, is it going to help me reach my goals?". Try it! It works!

Remember, you have freedom of choice, but NO freedom of consequence. Be mindful of your choices when you are in stressful or emotional situations. 


Practice mindful eating.

Never eat meals or snacks while watching TV or engaging in another activity that takes your focus off the meal you are eating. Instead, always eat meals and snacks mindfully while sitting at the table. Think about every bite you take and make each meal purposeful. Remember, take at least 30 seconds between bites, putting your fork down between bites.

To help me focus on my food and slow down, one of my favorite things to do is to sit somewhere where I have a beautiful view. If I'm home, that happens to be at my kitchen table, facing my deck and backyard. Here I have my container garden of my favorite vegetables and herbs... with trees beyond. If I'm home alone, I'll pop in my earbuds and listen to my favorite 528 Hz playlist on Spotify while I enjoy my meal.

Why 528 Hz? Music at this frequency can:

  1. Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Some listeners report a reduction in stress and anxiety when listening to music at this frequency.
  2. Encourage Clarity and Peace: The frequency is also associated with clarity, peace, and mindfulness, similar to the effects some experience with meditation.
  3. Improve Concentration: Some individuals find that this type of music enhances their ability to concentrate and focus.
  4. Foster Positive Transformation: It's believed to encourage the activation of imagination, intention, and intuition.

If you find that 528 Hz music has a beneficial effect on your mood or well-being, it may be a valuable inclusion in your personal wellness routine! Let me know what you think... or if you find a favorite playlist at this frequency, please send it to me. I'd love to listen!


Surround yourself with support.

Living in isolation is never healthy. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you when you are feeling stressed or emotional and who will hold you accountable for making healthy choices. This is one of the biggest reasons I have the MBK Monthly support group on Facebook. This community is filled with others who are all on the same journey of health, and many experience the same struggles. Having this system of support is paramount!


Find a healthy way to relieve stress.

Regular exercise is a proven way to reduce stress and one of the best things you can do if you are feeling anxious, sad, or stressed. Invest time in a hobby or spend time with loved ones. Find alternative ways to manage your stress and emotions by creating new habits rather than reaching for a bag of chips or a box of cookies when you’re feeling down. 

If you have a VR headset from Meta -- I HIGHLY recommend the Supernatural fitness app! I seriously HATE exercise... but I am obsessed. Never in my life have I been so excited to work out. And the beautiful thing about this is that you can compete with YOURSELF to improve your scores on the exercises, or you can have friendly competition with your friends. In fact, we have a group of my patients who are all using the app and it's great motivation when you see them creeping up on your position on the leaderboard. Check it out! Need a free GUEST PASS? I have 5 to give away each month, so hit me up! 

Meta reportedly facing FTC probe over its acquisition of VR workout app ' Supernatural'


Keep junk food out of the house.

Avoid purchasing foods that may be a weakness for you during stressful or emotional times. Keep cut-up veggies, fresh fruit like apples or berries, or most anything pickled, on hand so you’ll be more likely to reach for something nutritious when you’re sad or stressed.

Love salty/spicy foods? My go-to snack is Pepperoni Chips with Garlic Herb Laughing Cow light cheese. A little while ago, I shot a VERY impromptu 😬 COOKING DEMO during a LIVE session in the My Bariatric Kitchen Facebook group of how to prepare them... Check it out HERE! The audio isn't great, but you'll get the idea! ENJOY! 


Have a PLAN.

Meal planning is critical to helping you achieve your goals. Pick the plan, prep the plan, follow the plan... and do your very best to avoid deviating from the plan. If you choose to splurge, control it, and only allow the splurge for ONE meal... then right back on plan. 

PRO FOODIE TIP: I NEVER take leftovers home from a restaurant. I can't 100% control what's on my plate... so I enjoy it at the restaurant, then leave the rest there. This keeps me from extending the "splurge," and I get right back to my plan at the next meal. This strategy has helped me SO MANY TIMES over the years, especially when traveling. I simply don't gain when I travel. Like ever. Try it!


"But Patricia, I have no clue where to start. I need HELP!"

I've got you... I promise! ♥️

Want to learn how to do it yourself?
BARIATRIC BOOT CAMP is your answer! This is THE program if you are ready to implement the changes needed for success after surgery, but lack the support and knowledge to do so. Through personal coaching calls, group sessions, unlimited online support, and more, I will personally help you develop the habits and skills necessary to SLAY your goals! 

Too much work? Not enough time? 
I've got you covered here too! Led by three industry professionals, MBK Monthly is your Bariatric Life Support System, providing Nutrition, Mindset, and Fitness coaching at your fingertips. Whether you are non-surgical, pre-op, post-op, or in maintenance, MBK Monthly provides the coaching, support, and resources (classes, challenges, meal plans, and more) to help you reach your goals and learn how to live healthy for life. Be sure to grab a SAMPLE MEAL PLAN to see how I take the hard... and make it easy!


 Some content adapted From McCarty Weight Loss Center, Dallas, TX

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